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Advanced Multimedia Production

Yearlong Course                 (Grades 9)                   Credit (CTE)

Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Multimedia Production or Instructor Approval

DECA Membership is Strongly Recommended             Outside Coursework is Required

This course is designed to allow students who have acquired basic multimedia knowledge to strengthen their abilities to ask questions about what they see; to augment visual production skills with state-of-the-art technology likely to be encountered in the broadcast field; to provide for creative expression; to prepare for a media career, or improve media skills for any career path in the information age; to gain a deeper understanding of the language of visual communication and to promote media literacy.  Students assist in the production of special television programs for our school and our school system, produce programs for outside clients, and are responsible for programming our local educational TV station.  They are exposed to advanced production techniques, including non-linear editing, digital editing, standard and computer animation, presentation software, digital photography, multi-track audio recording, Web site design, and lighting. DECA membership is strongly recommended.

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